
期間 專案名稱 委託單位 描述
2010.11 – present 短期學界委託: 雲端服務整合軟體架構設計 工研院資通所 Individual work; design and implement a cloud-based ESB integration backbone and deliver 8 lectures on JBI, EIP, and WS-* technologies
2010.1 –2010.12 結合雲端運算之日常活動辨識與服務推論技術 工研院資通所 Team member, contribute to the overall research idea and system architecture design
2009.1 –2009.12 以GLIF技術為基礎的智慧型居家健康照護管理平台 工研院資通所 Team leader, supervise overall project execution; implement the GLIF compiler and GLIF execution engine
2008.4–2008.12 智慧型居家照護決策平台 工研院醫材中心 Team leader, Team leader; supervise overall project execution; implement demonstrations
2008.3–2009.2 結合無線感測網路與Web Services前瞻技術之研究 中華電信研究所 Team leader; supervise overall project execution; implement the core of SWE (OGC Sensor Web Enablement) protocol stack adapter
2008.2–present 智慧生活科技區域整合中心計畫 (INSIGHT) 國科會智慧生活科技區域整合中心 Team leader; supervise overall project execution, implement the core integration platform for the Living Lab. INSIGHT website: http://insight.ntu.edu.tw/
2006.10–2006.12 短期學界委託: 可攜式UPnP AV 智慧型家庭多媒體播放系統 工研院南分院家網中心 Individual work; implement a OSGi-based UPnP AV stack and library. Project website: http://www.attentivehome.org/itri-upnpav/
2006.8–2009.7 Smart, Sustainable, and Human-centric Home, Sub-project 1: The Attentive Home 國科會跨領域整合型研究計畫 Team Leader; supervise overall project execution
2005.5–2005.12 創新資訊應用研究計畫 - 服務鏈整合情境驗證計畫 資策會 Write part of proposal and part of progress reports; present in the regular meeting; implement part of prototype system
2004.4–2008.3 多媒體生活環境的數位內容科學-分項三-以人為核心的互動式媒體 卓越計畫 Write part of proposal and part of progress reports
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