




近年來資安攻擊事件頻繁,許多物聯網開發人員選擇依賴於中心化的存取控制服務來確保系統的安全,本研究針對物聯網的存取控制議題提出基於區塊鏈的使用者自主管理存取機制與其設計樣式。在在IoT系統的設計層面,考慮Device的硬體與網路限制,現有的解決方案大多數依賴於第三方的授權機制,如開放授權協定 (OAuth2),透過第三方的代理授權,可以減輕Device在實作存取控制機制上的負擔。然而,OAuth2的中心化授權機制可能遭遇到單一節點失敗、駭客攻擊與隱私資料外洩等風險。另一方面,在OAuth2中,使用者需要相信中心化組織與其不透明的授權架構,任其代理使用者管理其資源 (或個人資訊),甚至需要被動接受中心化組織所定義的授權規則 (policy),再者,中心化組織也可能會利用使用者儲存於資源伺服器的資源加以牟利。如此一來,使用者就失去了自主管理資源與定義授權方式的權利。使用者自主管理存取 (User-Managed Access)的特色是由使用者驅動授權規則 (user-driven policies),並自主管理存取控制 (user management of access control),以彌補OAuth2未定義Party-to-Party授權機制之缺口。然而,不管在利用OAuth2或UMA建置中心化的授權系統時,都可能面臨下列的風險: (1)可用性:OAuth2或UMA授權機制依賴於中心化授權伺服器而面臨單點失敗的風險; (2)公開透明性與可追蹤性:OAuth2或UMA機制缺乏授權流程的公開透明與授權歷史的可追蹤性; (3)可維護性:中心化授權系統一經上線之後,版本更新需要耗費相當大的時間與成本。我們基於UMA流程規格,發展出結合區塊鏈與UMA的「區塊鏈支援下使用者自主管理存取」 (Blockchain-assisted User-Managed Access,簡稱B-UMA)機制的規格與最佳實踐。此機制透過智能合約,代理使用者進行第三方所發出的資源請求之驗證與授權。


  1. Chun-An Lin and Chun-Feng Liao, “User-Managed Access Delegation for Blockchain-driven IoT Services,” in Proc. of the International Computer Symposium (ICS 2020), Tainan, Taiwan.



We can perceive the advent of smart living spaces attributed to the fast emerging of IoT (Internet of Things) technologies. By combining with the blockchain technology, many innovative business models can be brought into reality. This research aims to report our recent progress in investigating the architectural issues for realizing blockchain-driven IoT services. In particular, we present and discuss four typical architectural styles for such services. A preliminary evaluation against different styles is also provided to compare the given styles.


  1. Chun-An Lin and Chun-Feng Liao, “Design Patterns for Blockchain-assisted Accountable Data Dissemination between IoT Devices and Edge Server,” in 9th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2020), Taipei, Taiwan, 2020.
  2. 林俊安, 廖峻鋒, “區塊鏈輕節點物聯網裝置與邊界伺服器的感測資料匯集設計樣式,” 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), 桃園, 台灣, 2019.
  3. Chun-Feng Liao and Leng-Hui Wang, “A CWMP-compatible Multitenant Deployment Platform for Smart Appliances based on Blockchain,” in Proc. International Joint Conference of TCSE, JASPIC and SEA, Chiba, Japan, 2019.
  4. Chun-Feng Liao, Chien-Che Hung, and Kung Chen, “Blockchain and IoT: A Software Architecture Perspective,” in Business Transformation through Blockchain, Vol. 2, Edt: Horst Treiblmaier and Roman Beck, Springer Nature - Palgrave Macmillan, Oct 2018.
  5. Chun-Feng Liao, Sheng-Wen Bao, Ching-Ju Cheng, and Kung Chen, “On Design Issues and Architectural Styles for Blockchain-driven IoT Services, ” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW), Taipei, Taiwan, 2017.



Over the past few years, blockchain technology has attracted much attention. The smart contract is a computer program that implements and executes transactions and business logic on the blockchain. Unlike traditional general-purpose programming languages, the modularization techniques of programming languages for the smart contracts are still immature. Specifically, a suitable modularization mechanism for cross-cutting concerns is still not available. From a software engineering perspective, the modularization of cross-cutting concerns is a fundamental issue that can dramatically affect the contracts' maintainability and readability. As a result, reducing the redundant cross-cutting logic is still a challenging task. This paper proposes a practically viable approach that supports Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) for smart contract development on Ethereum-based blockchains. We suggest a set of extension to Solidity, a programming language that runs on the Ethereum-based blockchains, that facilitates AOP semantics and behaviors. As a proof of concept, we also realize the weaving module for the extension. The feasibility of the proposed approach is demonstrated by a case study.


  1. Chien-Che Hung, Kung Chen, and Chun-Feng Liao, ” Modularizing Cross-cutting Concerns with Aspect-Oriented Extensions for Solidity,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPCON), East Bay, San Francisco, California, USA, 2019.





  1. 洪健哲, 廖峻鋒, “支援智能合約元件開發、佈署與監控的區塊鏈中介軟體,” 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), 台南, 台灣, 2018. (Nominated Best Paper Award)





  1. Chun-Feng Liao, Ching-Ju Cheng, Kung Chen, Chen-Ho Lai, Tien Chiu, and Chi Wu-Lee, “Toward a Service Platform for Developing Smart Contracts on Blockchain in BDD and TDD styles,” in Proc. 10th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing & Applications (IEEE SOCA), 2017.
  2. 廖峻鋒, 鄭敬儒, 陳恭, 賴晨禾, 邱天, ”基於行為驅動開發製程的區塊鏈智能合約整合測試服務平台,” 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), 台中, 台灣, 2017. (Nominated Best Paper Award)


基於Web Thing Model之mDNS/DNS-SD服務描述機制


IoT(Internet of Things) 的核心概念是將智慧物件利用網路串連,各個智慧物件能提供服務以及物件具有彼此溝通的能力。在IoT應用的範疇中,服務描述是相當重要的元件,使IoT裝置可以動態的溝通與部署。然而,mDNS/DNS-SD服務發現協定只能用非常受限的方式來描述裝置功能,進行服務發現時,客戶端難以詳細了解特定IoT裝置物件的功能與存取方法。基於此一觀察,本論文針對mDNS/DNS-SD的此一欠缺面向進行改善,在保持與mDNS/DNS-SD相容的前提下,基於WTM (Web Things Model)設計了更精緻的描述機制,使其可有效的做到物件中的溝通與部署。在實驗中,我們與相關服務發現協定比較效能,結果顯示mDNS/DNS-SD在補強後,在記憶體的使用量和網路性能優於其他服務發現協定。


  1. 汪子翔, 廖峻鋒, “基於Web Thing Model之mDNS/DNS-SD服務描述機制,” 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), 桃園, 台灣, 2019.



隨著科技進步,智慧家庭核心技術已日漸成熟。智慧家庭藉由整合各種感測器(sensor)、致動器(actuator)及軟體形成智慧家庭服務。不過,智慧家庭擁有許多不同的通訊協定,為處理不同裝置間的通訊與服務管理問題,便有廠商與組織共同制定UPnP(Universal Plug and Play)協定,UPnP是由幾項重要的子協定構成,其中服務發現(Service Discovery)和存在性管理(Presence Management)更是支援智慧家庭環境服務高度動態特性的重要技術。近年來隨著物聯網技術與服務興起,小型行動裝置和嵌入式裝置數量日益增加,讓IP位址枯竭問題雪上加霜,為解決位址短缺,IPv6(Internet Protocol version 6)對智慧家庭的通訊協定是必要的趨勢,目前大部份網路與嵌入設備均納入IPv6支援。IPv6除了擴大定址空間外,規格也做了部份修改,改善了IPv4效率問題。UPnP在規格書附錄中加入對IPv6的支援,然其設計著重相容性,並未本質上善用IPv6特色。有鑑於此,本論文提出基於IPv6對網際網路控制訊息協定ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol)與群播(Multicast)的特性加以改進,讓UPnP的服務發現協定SSDP(Simple Service Discovery Protocol)能夠更有效率的傳輸,並建構一個網路層工具來支援相關訊息於網路層直接傳輸。希望藉由此協定與工具的建構,使UPnP的服務發現機制有更好的效能,讓使用者享受更便利的智慧家庭服務。


  1. Zi-Chao Lin and Chun-Feng Liao, “ICMPv6SD: A Compact Service Discovery Protocol Supporting Plug-and-Play in Home Networks,” in Proc. International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon'19), Jeju, Korea, 2019.
  2. 林資超, 廖峻鋒, ”基於ICMPv6設計輕量化的家庭網路隨插即用服務管理機制,” 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), 台南, 台灣, 2018.





  1. Chun-Feng Liao and Ying-Ru Chen, “Resource-Oriented Architecture for Smart Home Operations Management Platforms,” in Proc. International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon'18), Jeju, Korea, 2018. (Best Paper Award)
  2. Chun-Feng Liao and Peng-Yu Chen, “ROSA: Resource-Oriented Service Management Schemes for Web of Things in a Smart Home,” in Sensors, Vol.17, Issue.10, 2159, MDPI AG, 2017. [doi:10.3390/s17102159], (SCIE, EI, Impact Factor: 2.677, JCR Journal Ranking,Instruments and Instrumentation: 10/58, Q1).
  3. 陳鵬宇, 廖峻鋒, “智慧家庭中資源導向隨插即用服務管理協定的設計與實現, ” 2014 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), 南投, 台灣, 2014.



智慧家庭應用在現今生活當中,越來越受到各家廠商的青睞,因此其設備與設備之間,相互通訊以及相互應用的效能也越來越重要;傳統服務發現協定往往未考量在智慧家庭中,資源較受限的設備,因此許多服務發現協定對於受限設備並不合適。基於上述原因,本研究以CoAP與MQTT兩大物聯網通訊協定為基礎,設計一套具備Web of Things概念,且適用於受限設備的輕量級資源導向智慧家庭服務架構;其中,本論文將會以CoAP為基礎實作架構底層的服務發現協定:CROSA,再以MQTT延伸作為架構中應用層的傳輸方法,以達到既符合受限設備使用環境要求,更確保在套用在智慧家庭中應用時,能有更直觀且靈活的佈局方法。


  1. 胥沛恩, 廖峻鋒, 林明言,”基於CoAP且適用於受限環境的智慧家庭服務發現架構, ” 2016 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), 基隆, 台灣, 2016.
  2. Wen-Ting Cheah and Chun-Feng Liao, “On Findability Issues of Constrained Web of Things in a Smart Home Environment,” in Proc. International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon'17), Busan, Koera, 2017.



智慧生活空間技術近年來受到許多研究人員的重視,這種空間需透過服務管理機制處理各式設備、軟體與裝置的偵測、發現、資料傳送及組合等問題,以達成最佳服務品質。UPnP 是一種不依賴特定平台、 穩定且相當普及的服務管理機制,然而其服務匹配機制太過原始,只支援服務描述的逐字比對,導致應用程式經常找不到服務或服務品質不穩定。在這個計畫中,我們嘗試將語意網技術融入UPnP 的服務管理機制,提出一個具語意匹配能力的UPnP 服務管理模型。期望可在極少額外效能負擔下,進行具備語意匹配能力的服務管理,並可與傳統UPnP 各式裝置相容共存並混合使用。


  1. 陳奕明, 黃依凡, 江易倫, 廖峻鋒, “具備高相容性的UPnP語意匹配服務管理機制, ” 2014 台灣網際網路研討會 (TANET), 高雄, 台灣, 2014.
  2. 蔡明倫, 陳翌豪, 古健樺, 陳鵬宇, 廖峻鋒, “具語意匹配能力的UPnP 服務管理模型, ” 2013 台灣軟體工程研討會論文集 (TCSE), 高雄, 台灣, 2013.



近年來,隨著資通訊科技的快速發展,各式嵌入式計算與感測裝置微型化,促成普及計算(Pervasive Computing)願景得以實現,亦即將具備計算能力的裝置嵌入至各式日常生活的物品、傢俱與家電中,形成智慧生活空間(Smart Environments)。然而,目前大部份智慧生活空間系統仍以「系統即服務(the system is the application)」的方式進行研發,研究人員必須建構從基礎設施一直到最高層服務應用的所有細節;而較少在middleware 層級針對服務管理層面進行嚴謹、深入且有系統之研討,造成許多單獨開發的技術、成果或應用服務無法順利整合並落實至日常生活中。此外,智慧生活空間與一般系統最大的差別即為「場域(Ambient)」概念,也就是一個具有計算能力且有界限(Bounded)的場所(Place)。Ambient 具有複雜、相互包含且形成類似階層的結構,人位於每個Ambient 時,偏好及使用設備皆有所不同,未考慮Ambient 關係的服務模型,在組合跨Ambient 的服務時,通常無法達成最好的效果。我們針對此一智慧生活空間中最顯著的核心性質,也就是Ambient 概念,對服務管理的影響,並同時從實務及理論層面著眼,提出一個新的Ambient-Oriented 情境感知普及服務管理機制,並進行理論與實驗驗證,最後投射並實現於UPnP (Universal Plug and Play)智慧家庭網路之中,以驗證其可行性。


  1. Chun-Feng Liao and Hsin-Yin Fu, “Spatial-Aware Service Management in a Pervasive Environment, ” in Service Oriented Computing and Applications, Springer, 2017 (EI). [doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11761-017-0223-z]
  2. Chun-Feng Liao, “A Formal Model for Robust Spatial-Aware Service Management in IoT-enriched Smart Home, ” in Proc. International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon'17), Busan, Koera, 2017.

Human-Centric Context Aware Pervasive Service Composition


rw-1.jpg In a pervasive system, the criteria for selecting and ranking services are usually specified by users, which tend to be vague and subjective. Moreover, the deployment of pervasive services here is usually not as well-planned as that in traditional enterprise environments. Hence, the criteria can be contradictory and the activated services can interfere with one another.

In this research, we address these issues by first defining the Preference Expression Language (PEL) that is capable of specifying both enumerative/numeric as well as mandatory/negotiable user preferences. Second, a set of unification rules for conflictive preferences is presented. Third, the degree of interference is modeled and estimated by using fuzzy reasoning approaches. By incorporating the above-mentioned mechanisms, we propose a preference aware service composition framework that can avoid service interferences autonomously.


  1. Chun-Feng Liao, Hsueh-Hung Cheng and Li-Chen Fu, ”Unifiable Preference Expressions for Pervasive Service Composition,” in Proceedings of 2011 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2011), 2011. (Best Paper Award)
  2. Hsin-Chih Chang, Chun-Feng Liao, and Li-Chen Fu, ”Unification of Multiple Preferences and Avoidance of Service Interference for Service Composition in Context-Aware Pervasive Systems,” in Proceedings. of 7th ACM International Conference on Pervasive Services (ACM SIGAPP ICPS’10), Berlin, Germany, 2010.
  3. Hsin-Chih Chang, Chun-Feng Liao, Yong-Cheng Liu, and Li-Chen Fu, ”A Spontaneous Preference Aware Service Composition Framework for Message-Oriented Pervasive Systems,” in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications (ICPCA’09), Taipei, Taiwan, 2009.

Robust Service Management in Message-Oriented Pervasive Systems


rw-4.jpg Reliability is one of the key challenges of Pervasive systems. Numerous Message-Oriented architectures and service discovery protocols have been proposed to support service management in Pervasive systems. Nevertheless, few researches have been done to improve the reliability of Pervasive systems. This research attempts to propose a reliable service management framework by formally defining a Message-Oriented service application model and protocols that facilitate autonomous composition, failure detection and recovery of services. Proposed approaches are realized by constructing a developer’s toolkit that enables rapid-prototyping of services. The recovery rate of systems can be greatly improved by the proposed approach. Furthermore, the services developed by using the proposed approach are capable of integrating heterogeneous software/hardware, and can be deployed in dissimilar sites with little efforts.


  1. Chun-Feng Liao, Ya-Wen Jong, Li-Chen Fu, “Toward Reliable Service Management in Message-Oriented Pervasive Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 183-195, July-Sept. 2011, doi:10.1109/TSC.2010.59
  2. C.-F. Liao, Y.-W. Jong and L.-C. Fu, “Toward a Message-Oriented Application Model and its Middleware Support in Ubiquitous Environments,” International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology, vol.1, no.3, July 2008.
  3. 陳志明、廖峻鋒、鍾亞文、傅立成、張慶年,”以訊息為導向之數位家庭服務應用技術,” 電信研究雙月刊, 智慧化生活應用技術特輯, vol.39, no. 5, Oct 2009.
  4. C.-F. Liao, Y.-W. Jong, and L.-C. Fu, “PSMP: A Fast Self-Healing and Self-Organizing Pervasive Service Management Protocol for Smart Home Environments,” in Proceedings of 2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2008), Yilan, Taiwan, 2008.
  5. C.-F. Liao, Y.-W. Jong, and L.-C. Fu, “Community-based Autonomous Service Activation and Failure Recovery in a Message-Oriented Pervasive Middleware,” in Proceedings of 2008 International Workshop on Context-Aware Pervasive Communities: Infrastructures, Services and Applications (CAPC 2008, Held in Conjunction with Pervasive 2008), Sydney, Australia, 2008.
  6. C.-F. Liao, Y.-W. Jong, and L.-C. Fu, “Toward a Message-Oriented Application Model and its Middleware Support in Ubiquitous Environments,” in Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE 2008), Busan, Korea, 2008.



解決智慧家庭系統的維運議題,是智慧家庭技術普及化,進而形成產業的重要前提。Broadband Forum提出的CWMP是目前較普及與成熟的維運技術,但CWMP仍具有改善空間,包含效能與擴充性不佳、領域模型設計不良,及Web回呼機制未臻完善。本研究提出以資源導向架構風格改良CWMP,針對現行各種Web回呼機制做分析,並設計一個資源導向智慧家庭服務維運平台,透過實驗與實作應用情境,驗證其功能完備性、效能及實務上之可行性。


  1. Chun-Feng Liao and Ying-Ru Chen, “Resource-Oriented Architecture for Smart Home Operations Management Platforms,” in Proc. International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon'18), Jeju, Koera, 2018.
  2. 陳映如, 廖峻鋒, ”資源導向智慧家庭服務維運機制的設計與實現,” 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), 台中, 台灣, 2017.



Despite the well-development of smart living space research field, Smart Home is still more like a luxury product than a daily necessity for most families. Operations management issues are essential for a new technology to be accepted by the mass consumer market. However, only few attempts have been made toward this direction. This research presents the design and implementation of a CWMP-based platform that supports autonomic operations management. The experiment results show that the the proposed approach is stable and is able to drive the operations tasks smoothly. We also demonstrate the feasibility of the platform by realizing two application scenarios supported by the prototype of the proposed approach.


  1. Chun-Feng Liao and Leng-Hui Wang, “A CWMP-compatible Multitenant Deployment Platform for Smart Appliances based on Blockchain,” in Proc. International Joint Conference of TCSE, JASPIC and SEA, Chiba, Japan, 2019.
  2. Chun-Feng Liao and Ying-Ru Chen, “Resource-Oriented Architecture for Smart Home Operations Management Platforms,” in Proc. International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon'18), Jeju, Korea, 2018. (Best Paper Award)
  3. Chun-Feng Liao, Shih-Ting Huang, Yi-Ching Wang, “Autonomic Smart Home Operations Management using CWMP: A Task-centric View,” in Proc. 29th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE'16), LNCS 9799, Morioka, Japan, 2016.
  4. 黃詩庭, 王依晴, 廖峻鋒, “基於TR-069的智慧家庭服務營運管理架構,” 2015民生電子研討會 (WCE 2015), 彰化, 台灣, 2015.



在物聯網環境下,所有物品透過互聯網連結,每個物體都能被定址且相互通訊。MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) 是一個近年來十分受重視的物 聯網應用層協定,主要基於TCP 運作。然而,在智慧家庭中,家電或感測器等精簡型裝置通常只能在具備有限的計算資源與網路頻寬,因此本研究主要目的在使得MQTT 亦可以透通地與低功耗有損網路(LLN)互通,並加上Reliable 機制來對應封包漏失問題,機制,介接到以TCP 為傳輸層的MQTT 骨幹,透過我們所設計的,智慧家庭應用服務管理邏輯可以在沒有額外設定與程式修改的情況下,基於不同的傳輸層透通地運作。


  1. 盧威辰, 廖峻鋒, ”適用於數位互動藝術的聚合式BLE-MQTT 閘道設計,” 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), 台中, 台灣, 2017.
  2. 胥沛恩, 廖峻鋒, “智慧家庭中MQTT 透通式傳輸層轉接架構的設計與實作,” 第20屆行動計算研討會 (MC 2015), 南投, 台灣, 2015.

Traffic Reduction Schemes for UPnP-based Home Networks


rw-2.jpg The use of message-oriented architectures in pervasive systems has increased noticeably because of their failure tolerant and loosely-coupled natures. Meanwhile, decentralized service management protocols such as UPnP are believed to be more suitable for small scale pervasive environments such as smart homes. These protocols are usually realized by using IP multicast, which, if not carefully designed, often suffer from network flooding problems due to the replications of too many unnecessary messages.

In this research work, we designed and analyzed of efficiency boosting techniques that reduce the replications of unnecessary messages when decentralized service management protocols are used to manage message-oriented pervasive systems. The analytical predictions agree well with the simulated results, which show that the message counts of SSDPbased presence and leave announcements, node discovery, and heartbeat can be greatly reduced.


  1. Chun-Feng Liao, Hsin-Chih Chang, and Li-Chen Fu, “Message-Efficient Service Management Schemes for MOM-based UPnP Networks,” in IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, 2011. (to appear)
  2. Chun-Feng Liao, Hsin-Chih Chang, and Li-Chen Fu, ”Boosting the Efficiency of the Reliable Service Management Protocol for Message-Oriented Pervasive Systems,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (IEEE SOCA’09), Taipei, Taiwan, 2009.

A Platform for Detecting High-Level Contexts from Complex Event Streams in Pervasive Environment


A Pervasive-computing-enriched smart environment, which contains hundreds of embedded devices coordinated by service management mechanisms, is capable of anticipating intensions of occupants and providing appropriate services accordingly. To acquire high-level contexts, such as human activities, usually involves analyzing and identifying causality and temporal ordering relationships among a bulk stream of sensor readings. However, there are relatively few works investigating this issue. We notice that Complex Event Processing (CEP) is useful for dealing with the issue mentioned above. In this work, we propose a platform for integrating CEP concepts with PerSAM, a service application model for pervasive environments. Applications and experiments are performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed platform.


  1. Chun-Feng Liao, Chao-Ting Cheng, Tzu-Yuan Weng, Wei-Chen Lu, and Kung Chen “A Platform for Detecting High-Level Contexts from Complex Event Streams in Pervasive Environment,” in Proc. International Conference on Platform Technology and Service, 2015.

A Guideline-Driven Platform for Healthcare Services in Smart Home Environments



The guidelines are usually established by medical ex-perts, according to the symptom of disease. Based on the biological information, habits, and the surrounding environment information form sensors, the guideline engine makes the appropriate care decisions and then alerts after the information is observed. Further-more, the proposed platform can gather feedback information about the reaction follow-ing collecting the implementation of the guidelines by monitoring system. In case of emergency, the platform uses the short message system to inform the relevant units im-mediately. The smart home integration platform can therefore reduce the burdens of care and unexpected events with effectiveness; therefore it enhances the quality of family care.


  1. 廖峻鋒、張馨之、傅立成,”以醫療照護指引技術為基礎的智慧型居家健康照護平台,” 電信研究雙月刊, 智慧化生活應用技術特輯, vol.39, no. 5, Oct 2009.
  2. C.-F. Liao, S.-C. Chang, and L.-C. Fu, “A Guideline-Driven Platform for Healthcare Services in Smart Home Environments,” in Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics (ICOST 2010), Seoul, Korea, 2010.

Service-Oriented Smart Home Architecture based on OSGi and Mobile Agent Technology


rw-5.jpg The architecture of a conventional smart home is usually server-centric and thus causes many problems. Mobile devices and dynamic services cause the dynamically changing environment, which can result in very difficult interaction. In addition, how to provide services efficiently and appropriately is always an important issue for a smart home. To solve the problems caused by traditional architectures, to deal with the dynamic environment, and to provide appropriate service, we propose a service-oriented architecture for smart home environments, based on OSGi and mobile agent technology. This architecture is a Peer-to-Peer model based on multiple OSGi platforms, in which service-oriented mechanisms are used for system components to interact with one another, and mobile agent technology is applied to augment the interaction mechanisms.


  1. C.-L. Wu, C.-F. Liao and L.-C. Fu, “Service-Oriented Smart Home Architecture based on OSGi and Mobile Agent Technology,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part C, Special Issue on Networking, Sensing, and Control, vol.37, no.2 , 2007.
  2. W.-R. Jih, J. Y.-J Hsu, C.-L. Wu, C.-F. Liao, and S.-Y. Cheng, “A Multi-Agent Service Framework for Context-Aware Elder Care,” Proceedings of Workshop of Service-Oriented Computing and Agent-Based Engineering (SOCABE'2006), Hakodate, JAPAN, 2006.

A Rapid-Prototyping Platform for PDR-based Indoor Positioning System on Smart Phones



Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR) is a popular indoor positioning mechanism that requires minimal infrastructure. Meanwhile, smart phone is becoming popular in recent years, making it an ideal sensor platform for indoor positioning. Nevertheless, realizing PDR on a smart phone is still challenging as the developer has to go through several construct/evaluate cycles before finding appropriate algorithms and parameters. In this research, we propose a flexible platform for rapid-prototyping PDR indoor positioning engine on smart phones. Based on the platform, the developer is able to tailor the engine by the composition of components so that the construct/evaluate cycle time can be greatly reduced.


  1. Chun-Feng Liao and Kung-Huan Lin, “A Rapid-Prototyping Platform for PDR-based Indoor Positioning System on Smart Phones,” in Proc. 2014 International Conference on Information Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan, April, 2014.
  2. 林恭煥, 石佳雯, 許雅婷, 簡嘉瑩, 廖峻鋒, “基於智慧手機的室內PDR定位系統模組化快速開發平台, ” 2013 台灣網際網路研討會 (TANET), 台中, 台灣, 2013.


WISE: a Wearable Platform for Performer-guided Mixed-reality Interactive Performance Art


Mixed-reality performer-guided performance is a new style of performance art that facilitates impromptu interactions among dancers and virtual characters in realtime using wearable technologies. We present the design of a full-stack wearable integration platform, called WISE (Wearable Item Service runtimE), that supports such performance art behind the scene. WISE deals core issues such as connectivity, manageability, context-awareness, and simplicity of the performance art. The experiment results show that the platform is stable and is able to drive the performance smoothly. We also demonstrate the feasibility of WISE platform by conducting a live interactive public performance called Future Circus supported by the proposed platform.


  1. Chun-Feng Liao and Kung Chen, “A Service Platform for Streamlining the Production of Cyber-Physical Interactive Performance Art,” in Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 13(3), pp.221-236, Springer, 2019. [https://doi.org/10.1007/s11761-019-00268-8] (EI).
  2. Ya-Lun Tao, Chun-Feng Liao, Hsuan Huang, Ya-Wen Su, Yo-Ja Lin, Pin-Hsin Chen, Tzu-Chieh Tsai, “Step In and Out of the Dreams: Toward an Immersive and Interactive Virtual Experience of Dreams, ” in Adjunct Proc. International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC), Design Exhibition track, Heidelberg, Germany, 2016.
  3. Chun-Feng Liao, Wei-Chen Lu, Yi-Kai Hsiao, Wei-Chen Chang, Kung Chen and Zack Grannan, “WISE: a Wearable Platform for Performer-guided Mixed-reality Interactive Performance Art, ” in Proc. International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon'16), 2016. (Best Paper Award)
  4. Hsin Huang, Hsin-Chien Huang, Chun-Feng Liao, Ying-Chun Li, Tzu-Chieh Tsai, Li-jia Teng, and Shih Wei Wang, “Future Circus: A Performer-Guided Mixed-reality Performance Art, ” in International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC), Design Exhibition track, Osaka, Japan, 2015.



共同圖形編輯系統是一種群組軟體,同時也是電腦輔助協同工作的一個類別,常應用於多人共同討論的場景。而近年來物聯網及互動藝術的興起,出現了許多基於共同圖形編輯概念的多人互動創作。然而,共同圖形編輯系統有一個固有難題:同步控制,即在作業期間,複數參與者會對同一個變數進行接收與修改,造成錯誤的結果。傳統傾向以鎖等方式控制,但隨著專案的規模增加,並行程式邏輯複雜度也會隨之上升,使得開發門檻高出許多。本研究提出將參與者(Actor)模式應用於共同圖形編輯系統,開發一輔助工具,除解決同步控制問題外,藉由將後端服務以固定規格的 Actor 包裝,根據服務內容不同將其分為兩大類,藉由對功能進行歸納使創作者使用工具時更容易進行管理。評估針對數名受測者做質性分析,供函式庫予具一定程式開發經驗的受測者進行實際操作與訪談。藉此論文提出之技術,可降低共同圖形編輯系統的開發門檻,提供給互動藝術創作者更為直覺、並具有擴充彈性的電腦輔助協同創作工具。


  1. 黃晨翔, 廖峻鋒, ”基於參與者模式建構具擴充性的電腦輔助協同創作框架,” 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), 台南, 台灣, 2018.

A Functional Reactive DSL Service Facility for Mixed-Reality Interactive Performance Art


dips.jpg Mixed-reality digital interactive performance is a new style of performance art that facilitates impromptu interactions among dancers and virtual characters in real time. However, such performance is difficult to conduct as the performance designer has to deal with the asynchronous events and temporal requirements of interactions among performers, virtual characters, and music, which are tedious and error-prone. This research presents the design and implementation of a domain-specific language called DIPS (Digital Interactive Performance Sketch) that aims to help directors of such performance test their ideas quickly. On the surface, DIPS provides the common domain abstractions and their associated operations for performance with simple rule syntax that simplifies the task of designers to a large degree. Behind the scenes, DIPS is realized through a combination of a number of established language embedding techniques on the Scala language and some middle-level facility based on the Scala Akka library. To evaluate DIPS, we have implemented a language workbench and an execution engine together with an application called the Future Circus. The preliminary evaluation results are encouraging and demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of DIPS.


  1. Chun-Feng Liao and Kung Chen, “A Service Platform for Streamlining the Production of Cyber-Physical Interactive Performance Art,” in Service Oriented Computing and Applications, Springer, 2019.
  2. Chun-Feng Liao, Zack Grannan, Ming-Chuan Lin, Kung Chen, Ru-Yi Lin, and Yi-Kai Hsiao, “A Functional Reactive DSL Service Facility for Mixed-Reality Interactive Performance Art,” in Proc. 9th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing & Applications (IEEE SOCA 2016), 2016.


Middleware support and applications for CQRS/Event Sourcing architecture


CQRS是近年來在實現微服務系統經常使用的一個架構樣式。在此模式中,命令(Command)指的是提供一系列操作物件的方法,這些方法不去改動物件本身的狀態,而是藉由告知系統發生了那些事,並將它們放入佇列中,在適當時機再進行實際狀態改變。而查詢(Query)指針對不同需求,提供不同資料呈現,且這些資料呈現並不涉及到物件狀態的更動,因此不會對系統有任何消耗。CQRS期望達到透過分隔Command和Query的動作來提升系統效率,避免傳統單體架構在查詢的同時有新的指令導致必須變更物件的狀態,使用同步機制造成效能低落。Event sourcing經常與CQRS架構配合使用。單就其本身而言,指的是每次針對物件狀態進行任何更動時,並不直接更動該物件本身之狀態,而是以事件的形式被記錄下來,事件本身記錄了目標物件被進行了何種更動,並且將所有的事件儲存在一個資料表中(event store),在每次需要知道物件目前狀態時,從此列表抓取事件並且進行剖析,逐步建立出物件的最終狀態。使用event sourcing 的好處在於它易於做資料改動追蹤,可以依據事件建立出不同時間下的物件狀態版本。本系列研究由CQRS與Event Sourcing適用之應用領域實作起步,在累積實作經驗後,針對此架構在運行時之各項軟體工程議題進行研究與發展。


  1. 鄭智豪, 廖峻鋒, 鄭宇軒, 陳恭 “初探基於 CQRS 與 Event Sourcing 智能合約稽核機制設計,” 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), 嘉義, 台灣, 2020.
  2. 袁銓嶽, 廖峻鋒, 林士淵, “地籍區塊鏈平台上的土地變遷歷史追蹤機制,” 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), 嘉義, 台灣, 2020.

Tenant-aware Query Rewriting Engine for Universal Table Schema-Mapping



rewriting.jpg In software as a service (SaaS) environments, designing a multi-tenant data architecture that supports shared database with custom extension is a non-trivial task. A general approach to support such an architecture is a middlewarelevel facility that supports the mapping of multiple single-tenant logical schemas in the application to one multi-tenant physical schema in the database.
We follow this approach and report our preliminary results on the design and analysis of a query rewriting engine that can transparently transform tenantspecific logical queries into corresponding physical queries for Universal Table, a widely adopted and industry verified schemamapping technique. A prototype and a sample SaaS application are implemented to verify the feasibility of the design of the query rewriting engine. Besides, performance analysis results that can be used to predict the overhead of schema-mapping in the engine are also reported.


  1. Chun-Feng Liao, Kung Chen, and Jiu-Jye Chen, Toward a Tenant-aware Query Rewriting Engine for Universal Table Schema-Mapping,” in Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (IEEE CloudCom 2012), presented in 2012 International Workshop on SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) Architecture and Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2012.
  2. Chun-Feng Liao, Kung Chen, and Jiu-Jye Chen, “Modularizing Tenant-Specific Schema Customization in SaaS Applications,” in Proc. ACM International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD'13), presented at 8th International Workshop on Advanced Modularization Techniques, Fukuika, Japan, March, 2013.
  3. Chun-Feng Liao, Kung Chen, and Jiu-Jye Chen, “A Service Framework for Multi-Tenant Enterprise Application in SaaS Environments,” in Proc. 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications, Vienna, Austria, 2014. (ICSOFT 2014, acceptance rate: 14%)
  4. Chun-Feng Liao, Kung Chen, and Jiu-Jye Chen, “Context and Data Management for Multitenant Enterprise Applications in SaaS Environments: A Middleware Approach,” in Software Technologies, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, 2014. (EI, an extended version of the ICSOFT 2014 paper)
  5. Chun-Feng Liao, Kung Chen, Deik Hoong Tan, and Jiu-Jye Chen, “Automatic Query Rewriting Schemes for Multi-Tenant SaaS Applications, ” in Automated Software Engineering, (SCI, EI), 2015. (DOI) 10.1007/s10515-015-0178-2
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