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acadvideo [2022/08/20 15:44] (目前版本)
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 +===== (2019) 區塊鏈支援下的使用者自主管理存取機制 =====
 +近年來資安攻擊事件頻繁,許多物聯網開發人員選擇依賴於中心化的存取控制服務來確保系統的安全,本研究針對物聯網的存取控制議題提出基於區塊鏈的使用者自主管理存取機制與其設計樣式。在在IoT系統的設計層面,考慮Device的硬體與網路限制,現有的解決方案大多數依賴於第三方的授權機制,如開放授權協定 (OAuth2),透過第三方的代理授權,可以減輕Device在實作存取控制機制上的負擔。然而,OAuth2的中心化授權機制可能遭遇到單一節點失敗、駭客攻擊與隱私資料外洩等風險。另一方面,在OAuth2中,使用者需要相信中心化組織與其不透明的授權架構,任其代理使用者管理其資源 (或個人資訊),甚至需要被動接受中心化組織所定義的授權規則 (policy),再者,中心化組織也可能會利用使用者儲存於資源伺服器的資源加以牟利。如此一來,使用者就失去了自主管理資源與定義授權方式的權利。使用者自主管理存取 (User-Managed Access)的特色是由使用者驅動授權規則 (user-driven policies),並自主管理存取控制 (user management of access control),以彌補OAuth2未定義Party-to-Party授權機制之缺口。然而,不管在利用OAuth2或UMA建置中心化的授權系統時,都可能面臨下列的風險: (1)可用性:OAuth2或UMA授權機制依賴於中心化授權伺服器而面臨單點失敗的風險; (2)公開透明性與可追蹤性:OAuth2或UMA機制缺乏授權流程的公開透明與授權歷史的可追蹤性; (3)可維護性:中心化授權系統一經上線之後,版本更新需要耗費相當大的時間與成本。我們基於UMA流程規格,發展出結合區塊鏈與UMA的「區塊鏈支援下使用者自主管理存取」 (Blockchain-assisted User-Managed Access,簡稱B-UMA)機制的規格與最佳實踐。此機制透過智能合約,代理使用者進行第三方所發出的資源請求之驗證與授權。
 +<iframe  width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/kpsMq1ysOiE" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" ></iframe>
 ===== (2018) 支援區塊鏈智能合約的佈署與交易明細查詢技術 ===== ===== (2018) 支援區塊鏈智能合約的佈署與交易明細查詢技術 =====
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-<iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eYzV2xro6kw" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" ></iframe> +<iframe  width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eYzV2xro6kw" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" ></iframe> 
-<iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/1Es80FCHQ14" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>+<iframe  width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/1Es80FCHQ14" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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 +===== (2018) A CWMP-compatible Multitenant Deployment Platform for Home Gateways based on Blockchain =====
 +The computing capability of the embedded systems
 +and bandwidth of the home network increase rapidly due to
 +the rapid development of information and communication technologies.
 +Many home appliances such as TVs, refrigerators, or
 +air conditioners are now connected to the internet, then, the
 +controlling firmware modules are automatically updatable via
 +the network. TR-069 is a widely adopted standard for automatic
 +appliance management and firmware update. Maintaining a TR-
 +069 network usually involves the design and deployment of the
 +overall security and trust infrastructure, the update file repository
 +and the update audit mechanisms. Thus, maintaining a dedicated
 +TR-069 network is a heavy burden for the vendors of home
 +appliances. Blockchain is an emerging technology that provides
 +a secure and trust infrastructure based on distributed consensus.
 +This paper reports the results of our initial attempt to design
 +a prototype of a multitenant TR-069 platform based on the
 +blockchain. The core idea is to reify each automatic deployment
 +task as a smart contract instance whose transactions are recorded
 +in the append-only distributed ledger and verified by the peers.
 +Also, the overall design should be transparent to the original TR-
 +069 entities. We have built a prototype based on the proposed
 +architecture to verify the feasibility in three key scenarios. The
 +experimental results show that the proposed approach is feasible
 +and is able to scale linearly in proportion to the number of
 +managed devices.
 +<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UR744xcuwpI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
 ===== (2017) A Service Platform for BDD-style Smart Contract Testing ===== ===== (2017) A Service Platform for BDD-style Smart Contract Testing =====
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